Extending Compassionate Care
Introduce yourself and your team to the resident.
Clarify what you are there to do.
Reiterate that you understand this is their home and all decisions are theirs.
We are there to recommend other resources if those are needed.
Be patient and supportive of the resident.
Be aware of your behavior and comments that may be disrespectful.
Do not make promises that you personally can't keep.
Listening to the resident with empathy will help their healing process.
Confidentiality and guarding the resident's privacy is required.
Resident Diversity
We are in a person's HOME
That makes you a GUEST
Judgement and comments on their home/lifestyle are inappropriate
Diverse Cultures
Have a super filter on your words and acts
Dress in modest clothing/unoffensive
Treat all resident with respect
Comments on social values, finance, race, politics, etc are not appropriate
Cultural Sensitivity
Extend Our Love of God By Our Actions/Words
Avoid profanity or other inappropriate words/conversation
Avoid unsolicited conversations about religion.
Be respectful of our client’s beliefs.
Politely invite the client to join in prayer before a meal or ask how you might pray for them when you go home.
Always respect their answer.
If the client expresses interest, consider inviting them to your place of worship.
Do not play music at a homesite without permission.